Pre India Diaries

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Hello Everyone,  just doing preparations before going off to India at the end of next week.

This is the page where my diary entries will appear. I will be posting entries to it while I’m in India. So please check back regularly to find out where I am, what I’m up to and to see some pictures.

Bye for now.

God Bless.  Jim

1 reply on “Pre India Diaries”

  • 06th April 2011
    Hello to Jim, and all who read here.
    I was sorry to hear that Jim, in his 5th letter from India, had encountered some patches of negativity amongst the Indian Christians, and also some of his Hindu friends.
    I know it is difficult to be around negativity, but I am hoping that, like Jim, there were some people there who quietly observed, and felt the same as Jim, … that negativity between friends and colleagues is unhelpful.
    I have also noticed, having gone ’round the block a few times’ that when things are going well, and good and positive things are happening, there can be an attack
    by bad and negative forces.
    Hanging on to the tiller when the winds and the tides are in conflict is the most useful thing to do Jim, so hang on and hang in there.
    You know who will calm the storm.
    Take care of yourself, and remember that everyone you know is thinking of you.

    Gennie Stone

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