Service to Launch the new Cinderford with Littledean Branch of the Mothers’ Union

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After the combination of the parishes of St Stephen’s Church, Cinderford with St Ethelbert’s Littledean, and St John the Evangelist, Cinderford with St. Michael’s, Soudley into the Benefice of Cinderford with Littledean it was decided that the best way forward would be to combine the two branches of St Stephen’s & St John’s into one which would also encompass the village of Littledean. The service to launch the new branch of Cinderford with Littledean took place on Wednesday 5th October at the Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion Service in St. Stephen’s Church and was conducted by the benefice vicar Rev. Mike Barnsley. Attending were the Diocesan President, Margaret Edwards, Vice President & Trustee Kate Thompson, Forest South Deanery Leader Kate Gale, and members the congregations of St John’s & St Stephen’s who had come along to support the Mothers’ Union new venture. After the service refreshments, including a light lunch, were served. A raffle and sale were held to raise money towards our deanery contribution to the overseas development fund. We already have new people coming forward to join the Mothers’ Union and are looking forward to enrolling them in January.