You are invited to a service with the Archbishop of Canterbury

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The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams, will be making a three day visit to Gloucestershire this July. This will be the Archbishop’s first trip to the Diocese of Gloucester in his official capacity since he was enthroned in February 2003.

The visit has been given the title Share the Light and much work has gone into putting together a programme of events, which will allow as many people as possible to share in and be part of this momentous visit. On Sunday 22 July the Archbishop will be leading and speaking at a special service in the Forest of Dean.

Sunday 22 July

All Saints Church, Newland, Forest of Dean

  • Meet at 9.30am at Coleford, Redbrook or Clearwell and enjoy a pilgrimage walk to Newland
  • 11am special communion service at which Archbishop Rowan will preach and the St. Stephen’s band will be playing
  • Local choirs and inspiring music
  • Special activities for children
  • Light refreshments served afterwards
  • Everyone is welcome

There will be no morning services at St Ethelbert’s, St John’s or St Stephen’s on Sunday 22 July to enable us to take part in this special service.


On Sunday, there will be a free coach from Cinderford to All Saints Church, Newland and back. Details of times and pick up points will be available shortly.

There will also be a free shuttle bus service from car parking in Newland to the Church. This is due to limited car parking at All Saints Church, please do not try and park at the church.

For further information, please visit