How many people does it take to change a light bulb at St. Stephens?

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As most of you will know things have been a little dim in church just lately (and I don’t mean the preaching). You may have noticed that over 50% of the lighting units in the main part of the church are not lit. Changing the bulbs in these units is a mammoth task generally involving three people manoeuvring the ladder and somebody with a good head for heights.

This situation has been discussed at length at PCC meetings over the last few years, with especial concern over the safety of those changing the bulbs, which have been blowing frequently. We have returned to these concerns and debated the matter further at the last couple of PCC meetings and the unanimous decision was that we need to change the lighting units so that future maintenance and bulb changing is minimal. Also, following the murder of the vicar of Thornbury last winter the diocese recommended that security and outside lighting around churches is reviewed. At St. Stephen’s the lighting between the vicarage and the vestry door is not working and the light near the vestry door can only be switched on from inside the vestry (the sensor PIR light on the wall of the church does not illuminate the door) so it’s difficult to see the key holes and there are dark areas.

Mike and I recently met with a lighting specialist; he has recommended the use of LED bulbs (which have recently been installed at Berkeley Parish Church) which have the following features:

  • These bulbs should last about 20 years, based on the low numbers of hours per week that they will be used.
  • In the main part of the church the eight existing units will be replaced by new units/bulbs in the same location, but because of the long life of the bulb we will not need to access them.
  • The LED units are 50 watt and will give the equivalent luminance and spread of light as the existing 300/400 watt halogen bulbs, giving considerable saving on running costs.
  • In the chancel and side aisles the existing units will remain but the bulbs will be replaced by the LED bulb technology.
  • The church outside lights (except the three on the front elevation) will be replaced with LED units each with a sensor PIR.

The cost of all this work inc. VAT is in the order of £2850.00 and we are looking to have the work completed by the end of October 2012.

The PCC is fully aware that our financial position is not as good as it could be but has considered that the removal of the risk of serious injury from falling from a ladder, the benefit of being able to see each other again (??) and the improved outside security lighting, is a benefit to the church and we should proceed with this immediately.

If you would like to donate towards the cost of this project, please pass any money to Anthea, Sheila C or Richard marked maintenance fund. Please Gift Aid if eligible.

Many thanks

Richard Blagg (Church Warden)