Bible Reading in 2013

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Several people around the benefice embarked on a variety of Bible reading plans at the beginning of 2012. Some have struggled during the year and have eventually changed their plan or given up, but I know that quite a few people have continued through the year and will be coming towards the end of reading the whole Bible in a year, the New Testament in a year or following through on some other plan.

I would encourage all of you to think about regular Bible reading in 2013. Our website will have daily readings that will help you to read the whole Bible in a year (which takes about 10 – 15 minutes a day), the whole of the New Testament in a Year (which takes about 5 minutes a day) or the lectionary morning or evening prayer readings (which will take you around 5 minutes a day). For those who prefer to hold a real book, I have various Bible in a Year volumes that you could borrow or I can advise you as to what is available. If you are interested in starting Bible reading notes then please ask for information as well.

1 January is a great time to start a new Bible reading program and get into the habit of regular reading. It will change you life if you do! Please let me know what your plans are.

