Bishop Michael’s Statement on the Failure of the Women Bishops Measure

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Under the requirements of the Synod the legislation required a two–thirds majority in each of the three voting houses for final draft approval. Whilst more than two thirds voted for the legislation in both the House of Bishops (44-3) and the House of Clergy (148-45), the vote in favour of the legislation in the House of Laity was less than two-thirds (132-74). The vote in the House of Laity fell short of approval by 6 votes.

Bishop Michael has issued this statement:

“The failure of the Women Bishops’ Measure to achieve the necessary majority in the House of Laity is a huge disappointment and sadness. Many men as much as many women will experience this as a real blow, but my heart goes out particularly to our women clergy who have ministered so effectively in the Church and had hoped today would be an affirmation of their ministry.

“In the Diocese of Gloucester I think they know their priesthood is honoured and valued. I believe those of us who have worked hard for a positive vote need now a little time to work through our initial sadness and frustration, but then we must go to work – led firmly by the House of Bishops, I hope – on finding a way through that does not mean five more years of waiting for a development that will surely come. There will be women bishops in the Church of England. I have no doubt about that. Our response to the Holy Spirit and the effectiveness of our mission require it.”