Benefice Fairtrade Bake Off

Fairtrade Fortnight officially starts on Monday 25 February. We are starting our activities slightly early with a Fairtrade Bake-Off this Sunday (24 February).
The Bake-Off will take place after the service on Sunday morning at St Stephen’s as part of the Benefice’s monthly Fellowship Lunch, which starts at 1.00 pm.
The rules are simple, Fairtrade sugar must be used and judging will take into account the number of Fairtrade products used in the creation. Please bring along packets of what you have used to help showcase the variety of Fairtrade products available.
If you would like to join in, please just come along on Sunday morning, the service at St Stephen’s this Sunday is an All Age Worship starting at 11.00 am and lunch starts at 1.00 pm.
There will also be a stall selling a range of Fairtrade gifts and food and some food to sample. The stall will remain at church for the following two Sundays.
The stall will also be available at the coffee morning at St Stephen’s on Friday March 9 from 10.00 until 11.30 am.
Please come along and join us, and take a step for Fairtrade.
For more information, please see the Fairtrade website.