Lectio Divina Cinisvadum modus

(Godly reading Cinderford style)
Following the success of the Lent Course and the interest expressed by several people in ongoing study, there will be a new benefice-wide group meeting on Wednesday evenings for Bible Reading, contemplation, discussion and prayer. The group will meet on the first and third Wednesday each month during school term-time. The first meeting will be on Wednesday 17 April. The meetings will take place at St Stephen’s and will begin at 7.30. The studies will generally last around about an hour and will be followed by tea and coffee.
The sessions will be based loosely on the Lectio Divina format used during the Lent Course, but will have a little more time for questions and discussion. No preparation or biblical knowledge is required. The format will be really easy-going, but we intend to provide opportunities for God to speak to us. Like the Lent Course, this will be a wonderful opportunity to grow together. Everyone is welcome, it would be good to see you there.