Support Requested (Today) for New Church in Coleford

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You may know that sadly, St John’s Church building in Coleford has had to close because of repair costs of £1.8million. However, the congregation is still going strong, and really wants to help provide a new parish church for the people of Coleford. A new church is both cheaper to build and cheaper to heat, light and maintain, and would provide much needed opportunities for us to support young people and families, our growing population of more elderly people and people in our community in real need.

We are hoping to purchase, from the District Council, the Lawnstone House site on Coleford High Street, in front of the Council offices. We would clear the site, and build a new church. But we have competition!
The other bidder is offering to refurbish the existing building, create retail space at ground level and flats above.

We believe our bid is better for the people of Coleford, for the vitality of the High Street and for the ‘look’ and ‘feel’ of the town. A town as important as Coleford needs its own Parish Church.

Our bid already has the support of the Town Council. If you feel you can support our option for that site, please could you follow the simple instructions below?

If you feel you can, please could you, by the end of today (Wednesday 15th January):
* Cut and paste the statement below into a new email
* Add your name after ‘Signed:’
* If you are not resident in Coleford, delete ‘Coleford resident’
* Send your email to these addresses (FODDC cabinet members): [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

These District Councillors have asked us to demonstrate support, so please don’t be nervous of doing so!


I, the undersigned, support the Diocese of Gloucester and Coleford Parish Church in its bid to purchase the Lawnstone House site for the purpose of building a new community church.

Coleford Resident
Forest of Dean Resident.