Vicar’s May letter (Annual Report)

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The past year has been another busy year; significant events in the benefice during the year included the second SHINE Conference, the introduction of the Lectio Divina Modus Cinisvadum Bible Studies on a year round basis, the introduction of a regular healing service at St Stephen’s, the growth of the All-age services, the growth and development of the S.M.I.L.E. and IF youth groups, the continued success of Junior Church, the establishment and growth of the Fairtrade store at St Stephen’s and the registering of St Stephen’s as a Fairtrade Church, the Poppy Appeal Concert hosted by St Stephen’s, the CTiC Covenant Service at St Stephen’s in January, Bishop Michael’s teaching series on The Eucharist at St Stephen’s and Bishop Michael’s teaching weekend in the Deanery (including men’s breakfast at St Stephen’s, and Holy Communion at St John’s and St Ethelbert’s).
We have continued to develop our services and Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Easter, Harvest, All Souls, Remembrance Sunday and Christmas continue to be significant times in our churches. Christingle services and carol services continue to attract people from the community with the addition this year of the Forest of Dean District Council Civic Carol Service at St Stephen’s and the Royal Forest of Dean Rotary Club Carol Service at St John’s. We hosted Christmas services for Littledean School, St White’s School and E-Act Forest Academy and Forest View School choir were involved in the civic service.
2014 has seen the introduction of W.I.L.D. and BoB. W.I.L.D. is a new group for young people meeting at the vicarage two Sundays a month. BoB is short for Band of Brothers, which is the name of our new men’s group.
We have continued to have ladies’ curry and pizza nights and a benefice talent show. We had a New Year’s Eve Party, Bake-Offs and Easter Garden competitions. Relationships continue to grow across church and parish boundaries. We have worked together at the Summer and Christmas Fayres and walked and prayed together on the benefice pilgrimage. We have eaten together at lunches, barbeques and suppers. Again a group from the benefice went to the Keswick Conference (and struggled through the hottest weather in the UK for a decade!).
We have continued to be involved in Churches Together in Cinderford and have participated in the joint service mentioned above, the Good Friday march of witness, a skittles night, an outreach event in The Triangle, a teaching evening and carol singing in The Triangle and at the Co-op.
We continue to see new faces and new families and members at St Stephen’s 11.00 service. Anthea has started ordination training at Trinity. Richard and Chris have started reader training, joining Eunice and Linda at WEMTC in Gloucester. St Stephen’s All-age services attract good numbers; F.A.N. Club, S.M.I.L.E. and IF continue to grow and thrive. We continue to serve our community through baptisms, weddings and funerals (although, strangely, we currently have no weddings at St Stephen’s booked for 2014).
Finances are difficult and causes ongoing concern. As a benefice we are paying significantly less than 50% of a full Parish Share. I continued through 2013 as Vice Chair of Churches Together in Cinderford and was elected as Chair for the coming year at the AGM in March. I continue as Chair of Governors at Littledean School but have resigned from the Diocesan Synod. I co-led a Deanery ‘Exploring God’s Call’ course at Coleford in November. I have taken on the role of Chaplain to the Cinderford Branch of the Royal British Legion. I continue to be busy, but I have received and appreciated support and encouragement from many people, including Sian; Pat, Lynne and David; Eunice, Linda, Anthea, Richard and Chris; our Church wardens, Sheila and Richard; Andy and the Music Group; the members of our All-age worship teams; Kate, our wonder AV co-ordinator; our PCC secretary Chris, new treasurer Susie and ‘old’ treasurer Anthea, along with all our PCC members; the leaders of our children’s and youth groups; our prayer partners; and others too numerous to mention individually. (Special thanks to Anthea for all she has done as treasurer for so many years.) Thank you all.
I look forward to spending time with you and getting to know you all better during 2014. I look forward to growing closer to each of you as we grow closer to God during 2014.
Yours in Christ,