Vicar’s Letter September

Dear friends,
Last Saturday St Stephen’s hosted a Craft Fayre. There were 19 stalls with a variety of beautiful crafts: paintings and pottery, cards and carvings, embroidery and etchings. It was lovely to see the work of a range of local artists. I was impressed with the range and quality of the items available and amazed at the gifts and skills of those who produced them.
We all have gifts and skills that God has given us and it is wonderful to see people exploring and using their gifts. I have always been impressed with people who are particularly good at things, regardless of what it is they are doing. Drawing, painting, carving, sculpting, playing an instrument, singing, writing, composing, reading, acting, playing football, tennis, golf (or almost any sport), running, jumping, swimming, riding (horses, bikes, motorbikes), the list goes on and on. It is great to people who have worked hard to develop their gifts and skills and make the most of them. Obviously this takes great commitment for many, perhaps a bit less for others. Some go on to make a good living from using their gifts, but for the vast majority these are hobbies or pastimes.
I wonder how many of us have not really explored our giftings or had the time or opportunity to discover them in the first place! Have you ever fancied having a go at something, but have not got round to it? Have you thought about taking classes in painting or drama or singing or anything else and have just not quite managed to find the time. I would encourage you to have a go! Make a decision to go for it. You have nothing to lose. You might find that you have a real gift for something, but you might also find something that brings you great pleasure.
I wonder how many of us think we are quite good at something, and have actually had a go at something, but are a little embarrassed at talking about it or showing what we have done in case people don’t think it is any good. If this is you, then I would love to know about what you do and perhaps see something that you have created. Please talk to me.
Finally, if you are on the receiving end of someone talking about something they would like to have a go at, or sharing something that they have done, then please be supportive and encouraging. You could make the difference between a gift or skill being recognised and developed or ignored and wasted.
Our God is a creative God, we only have to look around us to see that; we are created in the image of God and we should explore our gifts and skills, our creativity.
I wish you all the best in whatever you decide to take on!
God Bless,