Fairtrade Fortnight and the Big Brew

Fairtrade Fortnight – Monday 23 February to Sunday 8 March
Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual campaign to help promote the concept, ideas and principles behind Fairtrade along with increasing awareness of the range of products available carrying the Fairtrade mark.
Each year, the campaign focuses on a different aspect of the Fairtrade movement, helping to educate people on why choosing Fairtrade makes such a difference for producers.
Over the past 20 years, the Fairtrade mark has become the biggest and best known ethical label in the UK with 78% of the UK public recognising the Fairtrade mark. But there is still a long way to go to make all trade fair – just 1.2% of cocoa and less than 10% of tea globally is traded on Fairtrade terms.
This years campaign focuses on the producers who grow the Fairtrade products that we love the most (tea, coffee and chocolate) and what a dramatic difference choosing Fairtrade makes to them and how much it is still needed and how many more people we can help by choosing to swap one more product!
Come along to The Big Brew on Saturday 7 March at St Stephen’s from 10 am – 2 pm to find out more about this years campaign. There will be the opportunity to try various Fairtrade products, some new, some old favourites. There will be a sculpture competition (out of Fairtrade packaging) for children and young people to take part in during the event alongside the “BakeOff” giving individuals an opportunity to showcase their baked goods (baked at home – not quite under the high pressure we see on TV!). There will be a large range of Fairtrade goods for sale, along with a coffee morning, light lunches and cake sale to raise money for Traidcraft Exchanges “Fair Necessities” Appeal. Any money raised at the event will be doubled by the UK government!!
This year the FAIRTRADE BakeOff will be a little bit different, consisting of three different categories. The event is on Saturday 7 March from 10 am – 2 pm. Entries will be judged at 11 am and then sold to aid our fundraising for Traidcraft Exchange.
The three categories will be Biscuits, Decorated Cake (Fruit or Sponge), and “12 of the Same”. As usual, Fairtrade sugar is a must and prizes will take into account the number of Fairtrade ingredients, overall creativity and taste. As the idea is to showcase the growing variety of Fairtrade products available please be creative and bring along any packets you have!
The 11 am Morning Worship Service at St Stephen’s on Sunday 8 March will focus on Fairtrade and the commitment the church has made to Fairtrade (recognised by it’s status as a Fairtrade Church).
For more details about Fairtrade, Fairtrade Fortnight, Traidcraft, the Big Brew or the “BakeOff” please contact Rachel Witham – 01594 719438 ([email protected])