“Impossible God” by Mark Topping

Mark Topping will be performing “Impossible God: The Passion Play” on Saturday 28 March at St Stephen’s Church at 7.00 pm.
Impossible God is a one-man passion play written by Revd Frank Topping (Mark’s father, who lives in Clearwell) and performed by Mark Topping, the play recreates the world of those who witnessed the passion. Palestine AD32 is brought to life as numerous characters relive their experience of the events.
Impossible God is a powerful exploration of the historical events at the heart of the Christian faith. This inspiring one-man play challenges us to look again at Jesus of Nazareth and consider the meaning of his life, death and resurrection.
“The drama is a powerful exploration of events at the heart of Christianity,” says Mark Topping. “You are taken on an imaginative journey and challenged to look again at Jesus of Nazareth and reflect on what it means.”
This is a Churches Together in Cinderford event and comes highly recommended.
Mark Topping has toured England, Wales and Ireland for the last nine years with various productions. He has performed this passion play over 100 times!
Please do come along and join us at St Stephen’s, Belle Vue Road, Cinderford at 7.00 pm. Entrance is free. Refreshments will be served.