BoB Day – Sat 20 Feb

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BoB Day Gallery

On Saturday 20 February, the third annual BoB Day will take place at St Stephen’s.

The day will start with breakfast at 9.00 am and the day will (as always) include food, fun, fellowship and end with a film after a pie and pint supper. Weather permitting, there will be a trip out somewhere in the afternoon.

There is no charge for the day, but there will be an opportunity to donate towards the cost of the food if you would like to.

If you are a man and would be interested in joining us for any part of the day (or indeed all of the day!) we very much look forward to seeing you there.

If you would like more information or have special dietary requirements we need to be aware of, please contact Mike Barnsley (822286) or Chris Witham (719438)