Spring Craft Fayre – May 7

St Stephen’s Church (Belle Vue Road, Cinderford) are hosting a Spring Craft Fayre on Saturday 7 May. The event will run from 10 am until 1 pm. There will be a range of wonderful handcrafted items available from local and Fairtrade artisans alongside light lunches, tea and coffee, cakes, raffle and craft activities for children and young people.
There are a variety of stalls already confirmed including handpainted glass, paintings, jewellery, photography, knitted toys and clothes, handmade soap, handstitched items, fabric boxes, felt items, pottery, gifts, haberdashery items, wooden ornaments and gifts along with a variety of Fairtrade handcrafted items!
Entry is free and a warm welcome awaits to this wonderful chance to see the talents of so many local artisans from the Forest of Dean and wider area!
See our Facebook event page for more information and in the run up we will have some sneak preview photos of some of the products that will be available on the day!