St Stephen’s Summer Fayre – Sat 25 June

St Stephen’s Church (Belle Vue Road, Cinderford) are holding their Summer Fayre on Saturday 25 June from 10.30 am – 2.30 pm.
There will be delicious food (BBQ, Cakes and Cream Teas), raffle, a variety of stalls (including plants, homewares, accessories, jewellery, toiletries, crafts, jams & chutneys, Fairtrade) and lots of Farmyard themed games!
There is no charge for entry and a very warm welcome awaits all!
To find out more, please see the event page on Facebook.
Flowery Feet to the Summer Fayre
A request to anyone who has an odd shoe, welly, boot or a pair of worn out footwear…
We would like to have a walk of flowers or plants in footwear that lead from the town to the church on the day of the Summer Fayre.
I am planning to put a board advertising the event (St Stephen’s Summer Fayre, Saturday 25 June) closer to town on the day and an invite to follow the feet up Belle Vue Road.
If you could plant a flower or an attractive plant in an old piece of footwear, I would be so grateful. It would be wonderful if we could collect enough to lead all the way to church.
Also, please be prepared for the flower shoes to ‘walk’. They may disappear during the event so don’t plant anything you specifically want returned!
For more info, or to donate your flower-filled footwear, please speak to Laine (825401).
If you have anything you wish to donate to the Fayre, please contact Rachel ([email protected] / 719438) or bring along to one of the services at St Stephen’s. All donations are gratefully received! Thank you.