What is Dying?

“What is Dying?” is a chance for people to talk about death, dying, bereavement, funerals and life beyond this life. This is an informal time, with no set items. It is designed for people to come along and ask anything about the topic or just to listen and chip in if you feel you wish to. All are welcome, you don’t have to join in the talking if you choose not to, feel free to just come along and listen. Light refreshments will be available.
Mike and others will be at St Stephen’s Church on Thursday 12 May from 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm, waiting to chat to you around this topic.
For more info, please speak to Mike (822286). If you would like to come, but need a lift arranging, please do speak to either Mike or Chris & Rachel (719438).
For information about planning a funeral, please contact Mike or see the resources on the Church of England’s Funeral website.