Anthea’s Ordination – Sunday 19 June – 11 am

After 3 years of studying, assisting with services, reading and writing assignments, Anthea Beresford will be ordained at Gloucester Cathedral at 11.00 am on Sunday 19 June. After her ordination, she will serve as a curate in the Benefice of Cinderford with Littledean. It would be wonderful if lots of people could go along to the service and support Anthea.
A coach will be leaving St Stephen’s at 9.30 am (with a stop at “The Barn” and in Littledean). £3 per person, seats need to be booked in advance. Please contact Rachel Witham (719438) to book a place (ASAP). There may be a few seats on the coach available on the morning, but there is no guarantee. If you would like a seat, please ring!
There will be a party at St Stephen’s on our return to celebrate with Anthea and her family, starting around 2.00 pm. Please come along and join the party, even if you are unable to attend the service.