Mothers’ Union Tea Party – Saturday 20 August

The Benefice Mothers’ Union branch are holding an Afternoon Tea at 2.00 pm at St Stephen’s Church, with the proceeds for Away From It All (see below for more information). The Afternoon Tea will be by ticket only, £5 covers a full afternoon tea and there will be a raffle on the day.
Although not required, it would be wonderful if people would dress for the occasion – including ladies donning hats!
For more information about MU or to book tickets for the Afternoon Tea, please contact Sheila Moore (823055).
Away From It All
Mothers’ Union believes in the importance of families and in quality time spent together to build meaningful relationships that strengthen families. Our members encourage family life by being involved in local initiatives that respond to the needs of the community.
Away From It All (AFIA) is a Mothers’ Union holiday scheme, primarily funded by Mothers’ Union members, to help people who are experiencing stress in their family life. Mothers’ Union normally helps with part of the cost of a holiday or with travel expenses, but sometimes can pay for the whole trip. The funds are limited but we will always help as much as we can.
Those hoping to have a holiday don’t have to be a member of a church or organisation and can apply for themselves or recommend someone else for a holiday. The holidays take many different forms. Some are specially organised family weeks where a number of families and a team of volunteers go away together with activities and outings arranged.
Other holidays might take place in mobile homes owned by Mothers’ Union, usually sited near a beach. Some holidays take the form of day trips. We usually try to find the most suitable holiday, because everyone is different.
On average, Mothers’ Union helps 2,500 people to have a holiday each year. Families are able to spend time together away from their stressful situations at home, engage in activities together and have fun. They often experience healing in their relationships by spending this quality time with each other.
For more information or to nominate someone for a holiday, please see the Mothers’ Union website.