Heritage Open Day – Sat 10 Sep

Heritage Open Day – Leonard Clark Display at St Stephen’s – Saturday 10 Sep
Leonard Clark was a famous literary figure who grew up on Belle Vue Road in the early twentieth century before leaving the Forest to become an internationally recognised poet and educationalist. He never lost his deep affection for the Forest, Cinderford and St Stephen’s Church, where he was a chorister. He had been fostered shortly after birth by Sarah George, who raised him along with her own sons. The gifted young poet became a scholarship student at Monmouth School and his literary talent was encouraged by another Forest Poet, F.W. Harvey. He requested after his death that his ashes were brought back to the Forest and interred in St Stephens Church.
‘Reading the Forest,’ a University of Gloucestershire project promoting the literary heritage of the Forest, will be staging an exhibition of Leonard Clark’s books, info about his life and recordings of him reading his work. Taking place from 10am – 4pm on Saturday 10 September as part of the Heritage Open Day events held across the Forest.
The organisers are aware that many parishioners knew Leonard Clark, may have corresponded with him or have insights into his life and would be very pleased to meet with you on the day and see any memorabilia.
The Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust Ride & Stride event is also taking place on Saturday 10 September. Alongside the Leonard Clark exhibition, refreshments will be available at St Stephen’s. St Ethelbert’s will also be open from 10 am – 1 pm and will be hosting a book sale.
More Info
- More about the life and work of Leonard Clark will be in the September edition of News & Views.
- Come along on September 10 to St Stephen’s from 10 am – 4 pm to find out more.
- Heritage Open Days website
- Leonard Clark article on Gloucestershire Live
- Reading the Forest
- GHCT Ride & Stride