Fairtrade Bake Off on Sunday 25!

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Fairtrade bakeoff

This year’s Harvest BakeOff will take place after the Harvest All Age Worship (11.00 am) on Sunday 25 September. Entries will be judged after the service and eaten as pudding after the Benefice Fellowship Lunch (12.30 pm). Donations will be taken for Traidcraft Exchange, the charity arm of Traidcraft.

The ‘rules’ for the Harvest BakeOff are simple, try and include as many Fairtrade or locally produced ingredients in as possible! As the lectionary reading for this year revolve around the “Bread of Heaven” it would also be fun to include a Bible theme with your cake, which could be picking up on foods mentioned in the Bible (there are lots!) or just revolving around a theme of your choice from the Bible (it’s probably worth including the reference on your entry!).

Cakes will be judged on the number of Fairtrade or locally produced ingredients, inclusion of a Bible theme along with overall appearance and taste! There will be prizes in children’s and adult categories. Ready, steady… bake!!!

For any more information about the BakeOff, Fairtrade or Traidcraft Exchange, contact Rachel Witham ([email protected]).