Harvest Around the Benefice

Harvest is celebrated in various ways at the churches around the Benefice, this year St John’s starts off the festivities with a Harvest service at 6.00 pm on Sunday 4 September followed by a Bring & Share Supper. Any Harvest donations will be given to the Foodbank.
Littledean Churches are next with their Harvest celebrations on Sunday 18th September. At 10.30 am there will be a service at St. Ethelbert’s followed by refreshments. At 5.00 pm there will be a Songs of Praise at the URC, come along and have a jolly good sing of harvest hymns and songs. Afterwards at 6.00 pm there will be a Harvest Supper which will be a Bring and Share Meal. Everyone is welcome but it would be useful to know how many are coming and what food you intend to bring. Please contact Ann Ladd (822735). There will also be an auction of produce which is always good fun.
On Sunday 25 September, St Stephen’s celebrate Harvest at the 11.00 am All Age service which will be followed by Fellowship lunch and the Harvest and Fairtrade BakeOff. There will be a chance during the service to bring forward donations for the foodbank. Bilson are also celebrating on Sunday 25 at 3.00 pm.
The ‘rules’ for the Harvest BakeOff are simple, try and include as many Fairtrade or locally produced ingredients in as possible! As the lectionary reading for this year revolve around the “Bread of Heaven” it would also be fun to include a Bible theme with your cake, which could be picking up on foods mentioned in the Bible (there are lots!) or just revolving around a theme of your choice from the Bible (it’s probably worth including the reference on your entry!). Cakes will be judged on the number of Fairtrade or locally produced ingredients, inclusion of a Bible theme along with overall appearance and taste! There will be prizes in children’s and adult categories. Ready, steady… bake!!!
As several churches are collecting for the foodbank, the following is a list of items that are on the list for our local Trussell Trust Foodbank. If you ever require help yourself, please contact the vicar, Mike Barnsley (822286), in total confidence.
Milk (UHT or powdered), sugar, fruit juice, soup, pasta / curry sauce, tinned sponge puddings, tinned tomatoes, tinned vegetables, cereals, tinned rice pudding / custard, tea bags, instant coffee, instant mashed potatoes, rice, pasta, tinned meat, tinned fish, tinned fruit, jam, biscuits, packaged cake, snack bars. (Not on official list, but always gratefully received: toilet rolls, nappies, jars of baby food, ladies’ toiletries, dog and cat food.)