Big Brew & BakeOff

St Stephen’s will be putting on the kettle to raise money for Traidcraft Exchange in an extra special way, by holding a ‘Big Brew’ on Saturday 3 March from 10.00 am – 2.00 pm to support the charity’s ‘Hidden Entrepreneur’ Appeal which focuses on people in developing countries who have the talent and determination to succeed, but lack the opportunity.
In an extra special twist, this year every donation will be matched by the UK Government meaning twice as much money goes to help people build businesses and create a better future for their families and communities.
Kate Dixon, Fundraising Manager at Traidcraft Exchange, said: ‘Everyone who holds or attends a Big Brew event will be helping people in countries like Kenya, Bangladesh and Senegal learn the skills they need to turn their potential into profit – and use that to feed their families and educate their kids.
Plus all donations to our Hidden Entrepreneur appeal before 11 April this year will be matched by the UK Government so we can help twice as many people.’
There will be lots of Fairtrade products for sale from the resident St Stephen’s stall along with two other visiting stalls. There will also be lots of information about the producers and artisans who are behind the products.
There will be lunches, cakes, Fairtrade food to sample, activities, games and much more about all things Fairtrade!
There will also be our well entered, rather competitive BakeOff. This year the three categories are “Biscuits”, “Mini Treats” and “Freestyle”. You can enter as many of the categories as you want and you can enter multiple times if you wish.
All entries must contain Fairtrade sugar and as the idea is to promote all things Fairtrade, points will be awarded for the number of Fairtrade ingredients alongside taste and overall appearance.
Judging will take place during the Big Brew at 11.00 am, after which prizes will be awarded and entries will be sold for people to enjoy on the day (or take away for a teatime treat!).
For more information see our event page on Facebook, or contact Rachel [email protected] / 01594 719438.