This week around the Benefice

As we head into Lent, there are lots of events to get involved with. Here’s a rundown of what’s on around the benefice this week.
Lent books still available
Our recommended Lent book for 2018 is ‘Live Lent: Let Your Light Shine’ which has been written by John Kiddle and The Archbishops of Canterbury and York. The book has a short Bible reading, a pause for reflection and prayer and an idea for a simple action that will enable the light of Jesus to shine through your life. Books are available to purchase from Mike for £3 each.
Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday)
- Craft & a Cuppa, 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm at St Stephen’s
- Pancakes, 6.00 pm at St Stephen’s
- Pancakes, 7.00 pm at Eve’s House, St Whites Road
Wednesday (Ash Wednesday)
- Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes, 10.00 am at St John’s
- Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes, 7.30 pm at St Ethelbert’s
- Pilgrim Course, 7.15 pm for 7.30pm at St Stephen’s
This year’s Pilgrim Course will seek to answer the question “What is the Christian vision for the world?” Anyone is welcome to join the course and you do not need to attend all sessions. The course begins on Thursday 15 February and will run weekly throughout Lent at St Stephen’s Church starting at 7.30 pm. Refreshments will be available from 7.15 pm.
- Coffee Morning, 10.00 am – 11.15am at St Stephen’s
- No IF (Half Term)
Sunday 18 February
- Parish Eucharist, 9.30 am at St John’s
- Joint Service, 10.30 am at Littledean URC
- Morning Worship, 11.00 am at St Stephen’s
- Holy Communion, 3.00 pm at St Stephen’s
Looking ahead
- Christian Aid Evening, 26 February
- Fairtrade Fortnight, 26 February to 11 March
- Big Brew and BakeOff, 3 March