Palm Sunday Service

Palm Sunday (25 March) Service is a Benefice Service, where all the churches come together to remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and reflect on the entire Passion narrative. There are no other services in any of our churches this Sunday.
This year, we will be joined by Bishop Robert who will process from the Triangle to St Stephen’s and continue leading the service and presiding over Holy Communion.
The service will be followed by a Bring & Share Cold Finger Buffet, which all are welcome to stay for.
The service will begin at 10.30 am, both in The Triangle (Cinderford) and St Stephen’s (Belle Vue Road, Cinderford). Those in the Triangle will process up to St Stephen’s after the beginning part of the service and rejoin those who do not wish to process at St Stephen’s.
During Holy Week there are a variety of services to attend (full list below).
Holy Week Communions
On Monday (26), Tuesday (27) and Wednesday (28) there will be a Holy Communion service at St John’s starting at 7.30 pm. The services are a good time to reflect on the events that took place between Palm Sunday and Easter.
Maundy Thursday Meal & Holy Communion
At St Stephen’s from 7.30 pm, the evening starts with a shared meal and Holy Communion and ends with the stripping of the Communion Table (others will then proceed to strip the altar at St John’s).
Good Friday
There are various services around the Benefice; at 10.00 am, a Joint Service at Littledean URC; at 12.00 noon the various churches from around Cinderford and Littledean meet in The Triangle for the March of Witness; at 2.00 pm, a quiet reflective service around the Last Hour at the Cross at St John’s and at 7.30 pm (also at St John’s) a service using the Good Friday liturgy.
Holy Saturday
On Saturday 31 March, St Stephen’s will be open for personal prayer from 11.00 am until 3.00 pm, with an Easter Vigil at 12 noon.
Easter Sunday
Various services to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, starting with a sunrise service on Littledean Hill Road at 6.30 am (opposite the junction with Dockham Road). 9.30 am Eucharist at St John’s; 9.30 am Communion at St Ethelbert’s and 11.00 am All Age Communion at St Stephen’s.
Holy Week Services
- Monday 26 March, 7.30 pm, Holy Communion, St John’s
- Tuesday 27 March, 7.30 pm, Holy Communion, St John’s
- Wednesday 28 March, 7.30 pm, Holy Communion, St John’s
- Thursday 29 March, 7.30 pm, Holy Communion & Maundy Thursday Meal, St Stephen’s
Good Friday Services (Friday 30 March)
- 10.00 am, Joint Service at Littledean URC
- 12 noon, Churches Together in Cinderford March of Witness, starting in the Triangle
- 2.00 pm, Last Hour at the Cross, St John’s
- 7.30 pm, Good Friday Liturgy, St John’s
Easter Eve (Saturday 31 March)
- 11.00 am – 3.00 pm, Church Open for Prayer, St Stephen’s
- 12 noon, Easter Vigil, St Stephen’s
- (7.30 pm, Easter Ceremonies with Confirmation and Communion – service led by Bishop Robert of Tewkesbury, St Peter’s Church, Newnham)
Easter Sunday (Sunday 1 April)
- 6.30 am, Sunrise Service, Littledean Hill Road
- 9.30 am, Easter Eucharist, St John’s
- 9.30 am, Easter Communion, St Ethelbert’s
- 11.00 am, All Age Easter Communion, St Stephen’s