Remembrance Sunday

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This Sunday (11 November) is Remembrance Day and 100 years since the end of World War 1. There are a variety of services and Acts of Remembrance around the Benefice. 

  • 9.30 am, Remembrance Service, St Stephen’s
  • 10.30 am, Act of Remembrance, Littledean Memorial
  • 10.50 am, Remembrance Service, St Ethelbert’s
  • 11.00 am, Act of Remembrance, The Triangle (Cinderford)
    • Starting around 10.45 in order to read out the names of all who fell in the Great War
  • 2.30 pm, Act of Remembrance, Soudley Memorial
  • 3.00 pm, Remembrance Service, Hanover Court
  • 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm, Messy Church, St Stephen’s
  • 6.00 pm, Service to Commemorate 100 years since the end of WW1, St John’s