Experience Easter

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Experience Easter

There are a variety of services and events taking place around the Benefice of Cinderford with Littledean (Forest of Dean) during Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter Sunday itself.

All welcome at any or all to Experience Easter, the stories of that very first Easter and what it means for us today.

Services & Events

Palm Sunday – Sunday 14 April – Benefice Service starting in Triangle, 10.30 am with a procession to join the service at St Stephen’s
(if you would find it easier to not walk, please head straight to St Stephen’s, where the same readings and songs will also being at 10.30 am)
There are no other services around the Benefice that morning.

Palm Sunday – Sunday 14 April – MESSY CHURCH – 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm at St Stephen’s

Holy Week Services – St John’s, 7.30 pm
(Holy Communion services with a short reflection and readings)
– Monday 15 April
– Tuesday 16 April
– Wednesday 17 April

Maundy Thursday Lunch – Thursday 18 April – Littledean URC, 12 noon – 1.30 pm
(raising funds for Christian Aid, come along and enjoy delicious homemade soup alongside Bring & Buy, Plant and Fairtrade stalls)

Maundy Thursday Meal & Service – Thursday 18 April – St Stephen’s, 7.30 pm
(Holy Communion service as part of a shared meal remembering the events on the first Maundy Thursday and ‘Last Supper’)

Good Friday – Friday 19 April
– Joint Service at Littledean URC, 10.00 am
– CTiC March of Witness starting from Triangle, 12 noon
– Last Hour at the Cross at St John’s, 2.00 pm
– Good Friday Liturgy at St John’s, 7.30 pm

Holy Saturday – Saturday 20 April, St Stephen’s
– Church open for Prayer, 11.00 am – 3.00 pm
– Easter Vigil, 12 noon

Easter Sunday – Sunday 21 April
– Sunrise Service, Littledean Hill Road, 6.00 am
(just opposite the junction with Dockham Road)
– Easter Eucharist, St John’s, 9.30 am
– Easter Communion, St Ethelbert’s, 9.30 am
– All Age Easter Communion, St Stephen’s, 11.00 am