Sabbatical Diary – Day 10

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View of Iona Abbey from ferry.

Great to be here. Obviously the trip is about a lot of places, but Iona (along with Lindisfarne) was always a key part of the original idea before plans really developed.

I was quite emotional walking down to the ferry on the Mull side and looking across to Iona. Catholic House of Prayer seems nice. Room is great.

view from my room.

Met Father Michael, who is leading services there this week. Morning Prayer at 8.00 tomorrow. He is also leading Communion each day, but I wouldn’t be able to receive. Planning to go to the Abbey for a service each evening at 9.00 and on Sunday morning. Really looking forward to it all.

Stunning scenery for much of trip today, but still really cold (high of 9C) and quite wet for some of it. Beautiful evening though, and forecast is clear and bright tomorrow and a little warmer on Monday.

Only lighthouse today was the impressive Corran Lighthouse, oddly on the Ardgour side of the Corran / Ardgour ferry.

Trike started first go again this morning. Pretty confident that all is well now. We will see on Monday!

God bless,
