Sabbatical Diary – Day 12

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Iona Abbey

Chapel (Oratory) at Catholic House of Prayer

Morning Prayer here in Chapel this morning, followed by breakfast and good conversation with other guests.

Communion service in Abbey, followed by a meeting about the Iona Community. Then walked to North tip of island.

View towards Staffa from North end of Iona

Beautiful walk on a lovely, bright, and slightly warmer, day. Some quiet time along the way and back in my room this evening.

Off to Night Prayer (Compline) at the Bishop’s House (8.15) and a Silent Service at the Abbey (9.00) shortly.

Mixed feelings about leaving tomorrow, but leave I must. On to Ardnamurchan Lighthouse at the most Westerly point of mainland Britain. Very remote and very special to me.

One last Morning Prayer here before I go!

God bless,
