Sabbatical Diary – Day 20

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Me (and the trike) in front of ‘the sign’ at John o’Groats.

Left Durness this morning in mist and drizzle which lasted through until this afternoon. A few impressive lighthouses along the way, but no great pictures due, directly and indirectly, to the weather.

Called in at John o’Groats, somewhere that I have visited many times over the years. In my twenties I went to John o’Groats just because it was as far as you could go. It’s not the furthest North (that would be Dunnet Head),

but, because John o’Groats is further East, it’s further away from just about anywhere. Later, I went to go across to the Orkneys. Later still, I was interested in the journey from John o’Groats to Lands End, basically because it is the longest journey from one place to another. I have ridden from John o’Groats to Lands End in a day. And from Lands End to John o’Groats in a day. I have ridden from John o’Groats to Lands End via the Northernmost, Westernmost, Easternmost, and Southernmost points in Britain. Anyway, it was fun to be there again. I couldn’t resist having the photo taken.

Next stop was Duncansby Head, a little to the South and East. I’ve been there before as well, and it’s generally very quiet. This time however was different. There were mobile homes, tents, loads and loads of cars and crowds of people looking out to sea. I say ‘looking out to sea’, but it was still fairly misty and visibility wasn’t great. I went to see what was going on. It’s Orca Watch Week apparently. I stayed for about an hour, hoping to see something. But didn’t. Special time though. Had a great conversation with Paul though. He is there for a few more days and will hopefully let me know of any sightings.

Good evening. Looking forward to tomorrow. And heading South. Feels like I’m on my way home. Albeit not directly.

God bless.
