Sabbatical Diary – Day 22

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Covesea Skerries Lighthouse.

My only photo of the day. A day that should have included lots of lighthouses and a visit to the Museum of Scottish Lighthouses, which I had been looking forward to after visiting so many.

Very, very wet morning. You can see the clouds gathering in the photo. By the time I had got back on the trike and turned round to go, it was pouring down. Within minutes I was caught in an apocalyptic downpour, and rain was not clearing from the road properly leaving lots of surface water and some quite deep pools and ‘streams’. Was somewhat concerned about handling and made decision to dump plans for the day and head straight to my night’s accommodation, which fortunately was (is) an Inn and was open and let me into my room early.

Been drying stuff since I got here! All well, safe, dry and fed! No problems with trike despite massive amounts of water. Obviously disappointed with the day, and all the coast and stuff that I missed. But the right decision.

Forecast looks better for tomorrow and better further South anyway.

God bless,
