Sabbatical Diary – Day 23

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The beach at St Andrews.

Good day today! No rain at all. Quite overcast this morning, but brighter and some sunshine this afternoon. Some lovely coastal views and pleasant scenery, mixed with fairly major docks (notably Aberdeen), small harbours, and lots of golf courses. Including St Andrews. For someone who has never played a round of golf, and watches very little, St Andrews does something strange to me. The course is stunning, the setting is incredible, the road running between the course and the beach is amazing, but it’s more than that. There’s something about the history of the place that is just captivating.

Lots of lighthouses, with two dolphins near to Aberdeen harbour South Breakwater. Very special.

And these two in people’s gardens:

(Lighthouses not dolphins!)

Haven’t talked about Morning Prayer for a while. I’ve been reading Deuteronomy, Exodus, John, Ephesians, and 1 Peter. All good. I’ve been enjoying the routine.

Off to Lindisfarne tomorrow. Looking forward to some quiet time and opportunities to engage in different things going on there. Need to cross before 5.45pm or wait until 10.45pm. Quite a long day, so looks like a early start.