Sabbatical Diary – Day 26

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Bamburgh Castle (and beach!)

Great day. Communion in St Mary’s on Holy Island at 8.00!! Relaxed breakfast chatting with other guests. On my way at about 11.00, when causeway was clear.

Much nostalgia as I drove through many places I grew up visiting and have visited throughout my life. Nice to see areas renewed and new life in dock areas. Loved the changes to Whitley Bay Spanish City! Might have to go and stay there sometime.

New hotel at Whitley Bay Spanish City. (Yes, I was stopped when I took this. The light is on red!)

Lots of lighthouses seen today.

Souter Lighthouse, Marsden. (My favourite of the day, I think.)

Came upon a car show at North Shields quite by accident. Some lovely, and well-loved, classic cars. A nice break.

Saw Mr Whippy again, but he was driving. I waved as we passed. No response. (For those of you who have actual lives that you are living, I first met Mr Whippy on Day 3 and we had quite a chat. I can’t say more than that as I explained on Day 4.)

Lots of of seaside towns tomorrow. On Bank Holiday Monday! Could be a long day.

Good night, and God bless.
