Sabbatical Diary – Day 30

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Inside the Holy House at Walsingham, ‘England’s Nazareth’.

Spent much of the day at Walsingham, a village (or really two villages) in North Norfolk, famous for its shrine to the Virgin Mary. Looked around the village and the grounds of the Shrine, then had some quiet time in the gardens before going to a Sprinkling Service in the Shrine Church. Then went down to the Slipper Chapel where a large First Communion Service was just finishing. Back up to Walsingham for some more time in the garden, then Mass in the Holy House. All very special.

Still didn’t see too much of the sea for much of today. I described the scenario yesterday, and took some photos today to illustrate the issue, but I can’t get them to load. Will try again tomorrow.

God bless,
