Sabbatical Diary – Day 38

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One Dartmouth Ferry taken from the other.

The Lower Dartmouth Ferry is unusual. You essentially drive onto an unpowered raft, which is then pulled/pushed across the river by a small tug tied to the side.

Pretty good day amongst terrible forecasts. Left late this morning to avoid early morning storms and got to B&B before evening storms. Had a little rain during the day, but not bad at all given the forecasts last night and this morning.

From Seaton, through Sidmouth, Budleigh Salterton, and Exmouth, before travelling inland to cross the Exe, then Dawlish, Holcombe, and Teignmouth, across the bridge to Shalom and round Torbay to Berry Head, then on to Start Point. Some great views along the way, and some roads I hadn’t travelled.

I thought I’d impress you with this photo I took (yes, I took – Tim was nowhere to be seen) looking over the cliff at Berry Head!

Met three ladies walking the coastal path at Start Point and asked them how far they were going. Turns out they were at the same B&B as me so offered one of them a lift. Much discussion ensued before Linda and I left the others to walk the final mile!

Off to Cornwall tomorrow.

(The Berry Head photo above was taken from behind 5ft high iron railings! I was still struggling, but managed to get the photo.)

God bless.
