Sabbatical Diary – Day 43

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Good day, with a few sessions looking at Ananias, quietly and thoughtfully led by Bishop Bob.

Had a service this evening in the Beach Chapel, about half a mile walk down a fairly steep road.

Bishop Bob, ready for us, and waiting in the Beach Chapel.

Came out of the chapel for the second half of the service, and received Communion stood in a semi-circle, facing the sea.

Looking out to Lee Bay. This was our view as we received Communion. (Not the Sea of Galilee, but not too shabby!)

We were then each given a lit torch and we walked back up (half mile steep hill) to the main building.

This was to symbolise the beginning of our journey back to our parishes/contexts. Very powerful. We then had a final song, prayer, and blessing.

At this point we could hold our torches while they burnt down, but then had to put them in a bucket of water. Bit sad. I’m planning to reclaim mine, relight it, and fix it yo the back of the trike for the ride home tomorrow. That should attract some attention!

Will be strange to be coming home. I’ve been away for just over six weeks. Two nights at home. Lots of washing yo be done. Then off around the coast of Wales with Sian. Visits to Caldey, St David’s, Bardsey, and Holywell planned.

God bless,
