Sabbatical Diary – Day 44

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Chapel at Lee Abbey.

This is where we have been having our sessions (other than yesterday evening in the Beach Chapel and by the beach). We have generally sat in a circle at the front for sessions with Bishop Bob (where the table is in this photo), and then split into groups in the main part of the chapel. With chairs arranged very differently, obviously.

Last session this morning with Bishop Bob, then some time for sharing, prayer, and anointing.

Lee Abbey is not an Abbey, nor does it have an Abbey. It’s really a much extended farmhouse that’s served a variety of purposes over the years (including being used as a school for evacuated children during the war), and bought as a centre for a Christian mission after the war. Lots of accommodation, and an impressive range of facilities, in a stunning setting.

Skipped lunch to get away a little earlier. Road through the Lee Abbey estate has huge drop on side of narrow road and some stretches of road along the coast were pretty scary too. I think I’m getting worse at handling that sort of stuff!

Then back through Lynmouth, Minehead, Bridgwater, Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon, and Portishead before coming over the bridge and up through the forest.

Passed the door of the Harley dealer in Bridgwater, but didn’t stop as I was keen to get back.

Home, and doing washing! (You don’t want to see photos of that!)

Off to begin coast of Wales on Saturday.

God bless,
