Sabbatical Diary – Day 56

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The BP petrol station at the corner of Shotwick Road (A548) and Parkway on Deeside Industrial Estate near Chester. The nearest proper (legal) parking place to the road crossing of the Wales / England border nearest the coast. Where my ’round the coast’ trip started and finished.

So, 8 weeks, 56 days, 5425 miles, 49 cooked breakfasts, 200+ lighthouses (I’ll work that out over the next few days), 2 batteries, 25 ferries (I think), 2 Archbishops, 1 Bishop, 2 transporter bridges, 3 Harley dealers, 2 toll roads, 1 narrow gauge railway, 3 passengers, 1 flaming torch, dozens of great conversations, hundreds of stunning views, 35 petrol stops, 620 litres of petrol, 1 oil change, 5 (very full) loads of washing (so far), 2 whales, 12 dolphins, 100s of seals, 100s of birds, 2 cathedrals, 5 abbeys, 6 churches, many encounters, and lots of reading, prayer, and reflection later, here I am, back where I started.

What does it mean? What have I achieved? What difference will it make to me? I have no idea. I will try to put some thoughts together over the next few days.

St Winefride’s Well, at Holywell ‘The Lourdes of Wales’, where we visited today.

Thanks for travelling with me. I will endeavour to post something in a few days.

God bless,
