Online Morning Prayer

A note from the Vicar, Mike Barnsley:
I hope you are well. I thought you might be interested in the following:
In these strange times of not being able to meet together, we are planning to start to use our Benefice YouTube channel to keep in touch.
Our channel can be found at:
You do not need to have a YouTube account or be signed in to access this, you just need access to the internet and a web browser.
You can also access our YouTube channel through the YouTube mobile app on iOS or Android.
If you are logged into a YouTube account, you may want to “Subscribe” to our channel to get updates of new video uploads and scheduled Live Streams.
As of tomorrow we will be sharing Morning Prayer (and possibly Evening Prayer and Night Prayer). Please let me know if you are likely to be interested in any (or all) of these.
Tomorrow morning’s live stream (on Thursday 19 March) will be displayed on our YouTube channel home page or can be accessed directly through the link below:
When you access this link, it will show you the remaining time until the livestream is scheduled to start. When the livestream starts, you do not need to do anything, it will automatically play.
If you miss the start of the livestream, you will have the opportunity to join from the beginning or join live.
(You will be able to “watch again” shortly after the livestream has finished. Think of it as BBC iPlayer for church!)
When I ‘arrive’, I will post the link to Morning Prayer on the Church of England website, on the live chat. You can click on this to follow the service (but you will not be able to see me – this is probably a good thing!).
Alternatively, if you have a smart phone, you can load the Church of England Daily Prayer app and follow along on there.
I will explain a little about how the service will run each day before we begin.
If you are joining me live, please say ‘hello’ on the live chat link, so I know who is there. Thanks.
I hope to ‘see’ some of you in the morning.
Let me know if you have any questions about our YouTube Channel, Morning Prayer, or anything else.
Stay safe and keep praying.
Good Night and God Bless.