Sunday ONLINE Service – 11 am (Sun 22 March)

A note from the Vicar, Mike Barnsley (Saturday 21 March):
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the sunshine, and hopefully some fresh air, today.
I am writing now with some details about our Sunday Morning service tomorrow (there will be NO services in any of our churches tomorrow morning).
We are running tomorrow’s Sunday Morning service over Zoom.
You can run Zoom in a browser on your computer, or by downloading an app to your computer, your tablet, or your phone.
Zoom will give us more opportunity for different people being involved than the YouTube channel (which we will continue to use for Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer).
Obviously there is no pressure to participate, but if you want to join us in worship tomorrow, please use the following link:
Meeting ID: 292 331 330
Password: 909194
Our main Sunday Morning service will start at 11.00am, but please try to connect at about 10.45am to allow time to sort technical issues.
Please message through the Cinderford Churches Facebook page or use the contact page on the website and contact Chris Witham if you are having problems.
(Please note that there will be no Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer on YouTube tomorrow, but we will have Night Prayer (Compline) at 9.00pm as usual. Please connect via our YouTube channel as normal.)
If you would like to watch a short video about connecting to a meeting on Zoom, please use the following link:
I hope to ‘see’ you tomorrow, but if you are unable to attend, I hope you have a great day.
Stay safe and keep praying.
God bless.