YouTube Services

YouTube Services
During this time of doing church differently, we are using a variety of technology, but all services are being posted on YouTube.
Services Monday – Friday are live on YouTube twice a day. Morning Prayer at 9.00am and Night Prayer at 9.00pm. Saturday and Sunday also have Night Prayer at 9.00 pm.
Sunday morning services will take place live on “Zoom” which allows more people to participate in the service. ( They are also broadcast ‘live’ on Facebook for those who can’t or don’t wish to access via Zoom. (A recording of the service will be on the YouTube channel shortly afterwards, the time this take varies on how busy YouTube is).
Please visit for our channel homepage, showing recordings and scheduled services.
If you want to see what recordings are available, please visit:
Any problems with technology, please contact Chris Witham (details on the Contact Page), please be aware that Chris works for the NHS and is currently rather busy so will get back to you as soon as possible, but please don’t get frustrated if it’s not instant.
Remember church isn’t cancelled, just different.