Easter Gardens
Easter Gardens
Cinderford Churches are putting together an online Easter Garden display, it would be great to have photos of people’s creations.
Please draw, paint, cut, knit, crochet, craft, build, dig, or otherwise create an Easter Garden, whatever that may mean to you, and send a photo to [email protected] or via our send a photo page on the website.
Your creation could be a small, indoor picture, craft, or garden on a plate or tray, or a larger, outdoor, picture, craft, or garden.
Use your imagination. Be creative. And please, please, send a photo in.
Photos will be displayed on a new gallery on our website, and featured in our service on Sunday morning.
As you are putting your gardens together, it might be a good time to think about the events of Holy Week and look forward to Easter Sunday.
To join the Easter Sunday service live at 11.00am go to Sunday Service Zoom. (Shortly after the service finishes, a recording of the service will be available on the Cinderford Churches YouTube Channel.)
Messy Church will be on the Cinderford Churches YouTube Channel at 3.00 pm, and will be available after that to watch at anytime.