Luke’s Logos Diary (January 2012)

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Hi everyone! I hope you are all well! I am currently in Mosbach, Germany at my Go Conference! This is basically training to prepare us before we go off to our mission field, but also a chance to meet the people from other countries who we will be working with! I am really enjoying myself and really bonding well with people. I have really been feeling the Holy Spirit at work! It’s such an amazing feeling! We’ve been having midnight worship in a small group, which is awesome!

There are about 50 of us just going to the Logos! That’s incredible! I’ll have plenty of people to speak to while I wait for my flight to the Philppines!
Hearing some people’s testimonies of faith are incredible, and just so encouraging!
I shall only make this brief, as I don’t have much time at the moment but also at this stage, I do not have much to report to you, other than what I’ve said already. Recieving lots of information about lots of different things, but having fun and meeting new people at the same time! I just can’t wait till I join the ship!

Please continue to pray for me, and the team I shall be working with!

Watch this space for more news! 😀

God Bless,
