Luke’s Logos Diary (March 2012)

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Hi everyone!

I hope you all well!

I would just like to start off by appologising for not posting anything on here for last month! However I hope that you have all managed to read my newsletter for February. I have just sent my Newsletter for March to Mike.

Thank you to everyone for all your support you are giving me, whether it is financial or in prayer, they are both just as important, and I thank you all so much.  Please do not feel you cannot contact me though. I would love to recieve emails from you!  Send email to [email protected], this way if there is anything you want prayer for I can pray for you too!

At the moment I currently training in the engine department alot, and getting used to the engine room. The training will be coming to an end very shortly, with an exam at the end of it! (ARRRGH!) Despite all the training though, I am feeling good about the being in the engine room, and have started to enjoy it more, even if I may not understand everything! I think this is evidence of God at work.  Largely because I did not want to go into the engine room at all, and had not put it down as any of my options, yet here I am, and oddly enough am liking it (the practical stuff anyway).

The Philippines is a really nice country! And the people are really friendly and polite! Even the Children approach you and say ‘hello sir!’

I’m afraid this is only short, but I just wanted you all to know I’m thinking of you all and praying for you all.

Once again, thank you for your support!

God Bless,


Luke 😀