Holy Week Services (and Events)

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Easter flowers

Holy Week Services and Events

Thu 2 – 12 noon – 1.30 pm Christian Aid Lunch, URC Schoolroom (in Littledean).

Bring and Buy stall, Cakes, Plants and Fairtrade food and gifts. Please do come along, support Christian Aid   and enjoy some delicious soup!

Thu 2 – (7 pm for) 7.30 pm Benefice Service + Meal (including Communion), St Stephen’s

Fri 3 – 10.00 am Joint Service, Littledean URC

Fri 3 – 12 noon March of Witness, starting in the Triangle

Fri 3 – 2.00 pm Last Hour at Cross, St John’s

Fri 3 – 7.30 pm Good Friday Liturgy, St John’s

Easter Services – Sunday 5 April

St John’s 9.30 am, Easter Eucharist

Bilson Mission 10.00 am, Communion by Extension

St Ethelbert’s 10.30 am, Holy Communion

St Stephen’s 11.00 am, All Age Communion and Baptism