Nativity Sheep Trail

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St Stephen’s Church were excited to be part of the turning on of the fabulous new lights in Cinderford at the end of November where members of the congregation launched the ‘Nativity Sheep Trail.’

The trail involves participants finding sheep that have been ‘lost’ around the Cinderford shops. Each sheep has been lovingly knitted by a member of the congregation and all have name tags with names being chosen by local businesses. Participants are asked to complete a sheet, that lists participating businesses, with the various names of the sheep they find and hand it in at The Vicarage (St Annal’s Road) or bring it along to the Christingle Service at St Stephen’s on Sunday 20 December at 4.00pm, where the prize will be given to whoever has found the names of the most sheep (or a winner drawn from all completed forms).

The idea is to encourage people to make use of our wonderful town centre, supporting the great variety of local businesses we are blessed with in Cinderford. Hopefully, people will think about the very first Christmas all those years ago, whilst they enjoy looking for the sheep and finding their names! 

You can download an entry form below and start gathering names today!

  Nativity Sheep Trail - November 30, 2015 (1.0 MiB)

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