St Michael and All Angels, Soudley

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St. Michaels

The final service at St Michael’s, Soudley will be on Sunday 30 April 2017 at 3.00pm.

Prior to this decision a Public Meeting at St Michaels was held on the 14 February 2017.

The decision to close the building has not been taken lightly. With limited funds for ongoing maintenance and repairs, there were concerns the building itself might fall into disrepair. It was accepted the best way forward was to cease using it for public worship and put it up for sale with a view to it being converted into a home.

At the meeting our Vicar, Mike, said “While it is always sad when a building used for worship needs to close, it makes sense for such a building to be fully used and not risk falling into disrepair. We intend to continue to serve the local community through St John’s Cinderford, links with the village school and occasional services at the Village Hall in Soudley.”

There will be refreshments in Soudley Village Hall after the Service on Sunday 30 April.

Please make an effort to be at this service to fill St Michael’s and give thanks to the Lord for 100+ years of service to the community.