Craft Fayre – Sat 17 March

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The first of St Stephen’s very popular Craft Fayres in 2018 will be on Saturday 17 March from 10.00 am till 2.00 pm. The Church will once again be packed with an array of stalls showcasing the amazing talents of local artisans; plus the resident Fairtrade stall offering products from international crafters!

There is a wonderful combination of returning and brand new artisans, do come along and show your support for small local businesses as well as enjoying bacon baps, light lunches, delicious cakes, raffle and craft activities to try on the day including a range of Paint-Your-Own items.

For more information, contact [email protected] or see our event page on Facebook.

Stallholders in March include:

We look forward to a wonderful fayre filled with wonderful handcrafted items from talented artisans around the Forest!