Starting out – Mike’s Sabbatical

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Iona Abbey
Iona Abbey
Iona Abbey – Photograph by Tom Parnell

At the beginning of May 2019, I begin a three-month sabbatical. Most of this time will be spent on a trip around the coast of Britain on my Harley trike.

As well as enjoying the coast, visiting beautiful seaside towns and villages, and looking at lots of lighthouses, I will be visiting a variety of ‘Holy Places’. I am visiting Iona, Lindisfarne, the Cathedral of the Isles (on Great Cumbrae), St Columba’s Chapel, Whitby Abbey, the Othona Community and St Peter’s, Walsingham, St Michael’s Mount, Lee Abbey (where I am attending a Church Leader’s Retreat), Caldey, St David’s, Bardsey, Holywell, and, I’m sure many other places along the way.

Hopefully my days will not be too busy, and I will have plenty of time for prayer, reading, walking and reflection.

I have planned my route and booked my accommodation. I am traveling as close to the coast as I can, and taking ‘dead end’ roads out to the coast where there is a lighthouse at the end or another significant point of interest. My total mileage for the trip will be a little under 6,000 miles. I am traveling quite slowly, and the whole trip will take about 8 weeks. I am mainly staying in small, independent bed and breakfast places, with retreat type accommodation on Iona and Lindisfarne (Holy Island). Most stays will be for one night, but I have a few nights each on Iona and Lindisfarne, and several two night stops along the way. Much of the trip I will be on my own, but Sian is joining me to travel around the coast of Wales.

Please pray that all will go well travel and accommodation wise, that I will have time and space to meet with God as I enjoy his beautiful creation, and that I come back renewed and refreshed.

I will endeavor to post occasional pictures and thoughts as I go along. If you wish to keep in touch, please visit