Sabbatical Diary- Day 7

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View from somewhere on today’s run. To be honest, I can’t work out where I took this. I had just missed the chance of a better picture from a designated viewpoint, but thought this wasn’t too shabby.

Much of the scenery is like this. Absolutely stunning. No photos will really do justice.

159 miles today, quite a lot on single track roads, so often quite slow going. A lot of the roads in Rural Scotland have an excellent surface, often due to Forestry Commission investment. But not all. They can be loose and gravelly, with lots of potholes. This can make progress very slow. Often below 20mph. The mileage I am doing each day may not seem much, but mph generally averages out at 25-30. My first 50 miles this morning took over two hours. Even if not on single track roads, because I am following the coast as best as I can, I am often going through towns and villages and generally on smaller slower roads.

159 miles today. Mainly dry, but very cold. Consistently having highs of 9C.

I’m now in Campbeltown on the Kintyre peninsular. Off to St Columba’s Chapel tomorrow, where, according to tradition, St Columba first set foot in Britain. Then on to Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse. I can already hear the bagpipes in the distance!

God bless,
